Coordinating Subcommittee Call
A virtual meeting of the VSPC Coordinating Subcommittee is scheduled for Friday, October 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to set the agenda for the October VSPC Quarterly meeting.
VSPC October 2024 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: The Hub CoWorks - Streetside Conference Room, 67 Merchants Row, Rutland
Planning for the Future of Vermont's Electrical Grid
The VSPC plays a key role in the planning process for Vermont’s electric transmission system. This planning process is designed to facilitate the full, fair, and timely consideration of cost effective non-transmission alternatives. The process involves coordination among Vermont’s utilities, transparency to the public about planning activities, and opportunities for public involvement.
VSPC Membership
Membership of the VSPC includes representatives of each Vermont electric distribution utility and transmission utility, each energy efficiency utility, and four public members, each of whom represents the interest of one of the following groups: residential consumers, commercial and industrial consumers, environmental protection, and town and regional planning commissions.