VSPC October 2024 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: The Hub CoWorks - Streetside Conference Room, 67 Merchants Row, Rutland
Coordinating Subcommittee Call
A virtual meeting of the VSPC Coordinating Subcommittee is scheduled for Friday, October 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to set the agenda for the October VSPC Quarterly meeting.
Special Webinar on State Jurisdictional Project & ASO Study coordination with FERC Order 2023
Following discussions at the July VSPC meeting, we invite you to join a webinar on September 13th, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM to delve deeper into how Affected System Operator (ASO) Studies for non-Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) jurisdictional distributed generation (DG) projects will be coordinated with the cluster studies required under FERC’s Order No. 2023. While FERC will evaluate certain regional variations in interconnection procedures, complying with the Order requires significant changes to the manner in which ISO-New England administers the transmission interconnection processes and how interconnection customers are expected to participate in those processes.
Brad Marszalkowski, Supervisor of Resource Integration at ISO-New England will present the ISO-NE's recently RC approved study process and answer questions. Given the potential for process changes, we encourage your attendance to ensure timely feedback and coordination.
Meeting Highlights:
- Brief Overview of FERC Order 2023 and its implications
- Review of I.3.9 requirements
- ISO-NE's New ASO study process
- Q&A session
Webinar Recording Available here
Webinar Slides Available here
VSPC July 2024 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: Trapp Family Lodge, 700 Trapp Hill Road, Stowe
Flexible Load Management Working Group Meeting
VSPC Coordinating Subcommittee Call
A virtual meeting of the VSPC Coordinating Subcommittee is scheduled on Tuesday, June 25 from 2:00pm – 2:30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to set the agenda for the July VSPC quarterly meeting.
VSPC Geographic Targeting Subcommittee Meeting
A meeting of the VSPC Geographic Targeting Subcommittee will be held on June 21, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:00am. The purpose of the meeting is to hold the annual project review and have each utility discuss their capital projects for the coming year to determine whether any reliability plans may be needed. The results of the process will be included in the VSPC geographic targeting recommendations to be filed in October.
Technical Working Group
VSPC April 2024 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: Kirk Alumni Hall, 217 Golf Course Road, Middlebury, VT
Meeting Materials:
- Agenda, 4/17/24
- Final meeting minutes, 4/17/24
- Draft meeting minutes revised, 4/17/24
- Docket 7081 Process review presentation, 4/17/24
- WATT Coalition Grid Enhancing Technologies presentation, 4/17/24
- RMI Grid Enhancing Technologies presentation, 4/17/24
- SmartWires presentation, 4/17/24
- VELCO SmartValve Project, 4/17/24
- ISO-NE Regional Update, 4/17/24
Flexible Load Management Working Group Meeting
The Flexible Load Management Working Group will work toward consensus on flexible load management (FLM) needs, goals, and outcomes, including topics such as quantifying the benefits of FLM, articulating the role of distribution and efficiency utilities for FLM programs, and evaluating FLM potential for Vermont.
This initial meeting will develop a general schedule and timeline before the March 8 status report to the VT Public Utility Commission.
Full agenda and meeting details available here.
The non-contested case number is 23-4345-PET.
RSVP to slouiselle@velco.com to receive meeting details.
2024 Draft VT Long-Range Transmission Plan Q&A Webinar
VELCO staff is hosting a Q&A webinar on Friday, February 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. to answer questions about the draft 2024 Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. The VSPC review draft is available here.
RSVP to slouiselle@velco.com to receive meeting details.
VSPC January 2024 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: Delta Hotel, 117 Williston Road, South Burlington
Meeting Materials:
- Agenda, 1/24/24
- Draft meeting minutes, 1/24/24
- VSPC Draft Annual Report, 1/24/24
- Presentation: 2024 VT Long-Range Transmission Plan results
- Presentation: VX Platform - Harnessing Data for Reliable Transmission Operations through Grid Transformation, 1/24/24
- ISO-NE Regional Update, 1/24/24
- Presentation: PSD Flexible Load Management Working Group, 1/24/24
- Presentation: Twin States Clean Energy Link
Coordinating Subcommittee Meeting
VSPC October 2023 Quarterly Meeting
Meeting Location: Killington Grand Hotel, 228 East Mountain Road, Killington
Meeting Materials:
- Agenda, 10/25/2023
- Draft Meeting Minutes, 10/25/2023
- Electranix presentation, 10/25/2023
- Geographic Targeting Draft Recommendations to the PUC, 10/18/2023
- ISO-NE 2050 Transmission Study Update, 10/25/2023
- Meeting slides, 10/25/2023
- Presentation: VT Distributed Generation Cluster Study potential
- Regional update, 10/25/2023
- Rhizome Presentation, 10/25/2023
VSPC Coordinating Subcommittee Meeting
Virtual Meeting